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IFSS is a federation of national sled dog sports associations and other national or international organizations contributing at an educational, scientific or technical level to sled dog sports such as snow and dryland, whose members meet regularly and whose members maintain their autonomy and independence within the limits specified in this statutes and the associated regulations.

Championships IFSS 

Selection criteria have been drawn up in order to participate in the IFSS and WSA championships. The World and European Championships are not just competitions. Here the best of each country compete against each other and as a musher you must be skilled enough not to get in the way of others.

When registering, we ask you to send us your best results from the past 2 years. These results will be assessed by the Sports Committee.

If there are more than 3 registrations in the class you want to participate in, the selection criteria below will apply in order of importance:


1- Selection match. We will publish the selection competition by mid-November at the latest. The members indicate that we should choose competitions that are well attended, such as qualy competitions.

2- Direct participation: Top 5 in the snow European Championship or World Cup last 3 years.

3- Top 10 snow competition in the same class at World Cup or European Championship in the past 2 years

4- Run 2 snow races within 150% of 1st place in the last 2 years

5- At least 1 snow race and/or 1 dryland race in the same class within 150% of the 1st place in the past season.

6- Longest member has priority


1- Selection competition: KIVO, mandatory competition, provided a good reason for cancellation, which is assessed by a committee.

2- Direct participation: Top 5 in the dryland World Cup or European Championship run for 3 years.

3- Top 10 dryland competition in the same class at the World Cup or European Championship in the past 2 years

4- Have run at least 2 dryland competitions within 150% of the 1st place in the past 2 years

5- Longest member has priority

Due to the expected large number of registrations for the European Championship Dryland in Leipa in the monosports (canicross, bike, scooter) you must have run 2 selection competitions prior to the event. 1 mandatory selection competition is the Kivo Kempentrail. The other match may be chosen by oneself, but the results thereof must be forwarded to the board.

The History of the IFSS  In the early 1980s, ISDRA and ESDRA, under the impetus of Bob Levorsen (California) and Glenda Walling (Idaho), were proposed to jointly apply for IOC recognition. But the IOC only recognizes international sports federations and therefore recommended that the two organizations form one international organization.

So in 1985, the IFSS was formed with ISDRA and ESDRA as founding members. Glenda Walling of Idaho was elected president. Dona Hawley was appointed Secretary General. The other members of the Council were Morten Aspaas (Norway), Katy Frost (AK, USA), Bernard Pepin (France), Robert Levorsen (California, USA), Valerie Lougheed (Canada), Jürgen Lüber (Germany), Ewald Volk ( Austria).

As a first step towards applying to the IOC, the IFSS applied for membership and was approved in 1987 by the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF), which unites all international sports federations. GAISF is a member of the IOC.

In October 1992, the IFSS was incorporated in the state of Idaho as a nonprofit organization under the Idaho Nonprofit Corporation Act, and IFSS first filed with the IOC in 1993.

In 2012, the IFSS headquarters was moved and registered from the US to Brussels (Belgium). The last development of the IFSS on the international sports scene is in 2011 when it was accepted as a member of the International Masters Game Association (IMGA) for the purpose of participating in the Masters Games 2015. IFSS is also actively pursuing the opportunity to be part of the 2016 Youth Olympic Games.

Glenda Walling remained IFSS Chair until 1998 and was re-elected every two years at each General Assembly. In 1998 she was not eligible for re-election and Tim White (MN, USA) was elected. Tim White remained in this position until 2006 when he was replaced by Bengt Ponten (Sweden). Helen Lundberg (USA) was elected president in 2013.

Since 1990, IFSS has hosted World Championships, originally every year, now every other year. The European Championships previously under the responsibility of ESDRA (one of the IFSS founders) are now organized by IFSS/European Director.

Sport Club Nederland

Doelstelling van de SSC-NL is de sledehondensport te bevorderen, in de ruimste zin des woord. 

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