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Newsletter SSC-NL 13-10-2021

Dear members,

Here is a short newsletter with the following topic and:

1. Kivo Kempentrail

2. DID number request IFSS


4. Match reports and stories

1) Kivo Kempentrail

On October 30th and 31st we are hosting our 31st edition of the Kivo Kempentrail from SSC NL. We are pleased to have received all permits for our two-day event to continue. Hopefully a great start to a wonderful season with lots of games and great results. The Kivo Kempentrail will be a little different this year, but certainly no less fun. We don't have a big tent or a raffle, but a food truck festival and a photo competition and lots of nice people who come. Join Now!!

2) DID number

If you want to take part in the competitions of the IFSS, such as the European Snow Championships 2022, World Cups and / or the European Cups, you have to be a member of the SSC NL and need a DID number. If you would like a DID number, please forward it to by October 20, 2021.

More information can be found here


ESDRA would host a dry land European championship in Italy in October 2021, but after we hadn't heard from us for a long time, we received the news on October 3rd that the European championship had been finally canceled. An online congress will take place on Sunday, November 7th, at which the sports coordinator Marjolein Bil will be present to discuss the future of ESDRA.

4) Match reports and stories

We want to make our website and Facebook page a little more dynamic by regularly posting beautiful stories from our members. If you've played a great game or training session that you want to share, please let us know and we will give you a nice place on the website. During the season, the sports coordinator will actively ask members to put their story on paper.

With sporty greetings

Board of Directors SSC NL

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