When you join the sled dog sports club, the SSC-NL, you first become an aspiring member, you can become a full member afterwards if you have met the following requirements.
Have run 3 official snow competitions in 1 season.
Have been a paying prospective member for at least one year, provided that they have run at least three snow races, with at least 2 finished days, (2) within the last completed racing season, (2) OR a multi-day race with at least 6 stages, (3) OR a long distance race of at least 160 km.
The prospective member has paid for at least 4 years and has run at least 4 cart races and 4 snow races in those 4 years.
An (asp.) membership costs €57 per year (one-time registration fee is €12), each other member within a family pays €12 per year for a family member.
If you want to become a member, send an email to sscnl.bestuur@gmail.com
Become a member and become a member:
SSC NL wants to be a stable club that has members who feel connected to the club. That's why we have rules regarding membership. We must work together for a stable future. That is why the rules regarding membership have been adjusted. If members unsubscribe or do not pay and are therefore a member, they cannot rejoin for 3 years and therefore cannot go to championships.